As a graduate in Drama Theatre and...
Make a thing
Filmmaker and screenwriter from Irvine Ayrshire. Looking...
Photogrammetry scan of birch leaf from outside...
“The land knows you, even when you...
Refractive present a new series of Advanced...
Screening on Thursday 18th April at Paisley...
Step into the world of projection mapping with digital artist (and Refractive's...
If you don’t have a screenplay yet these sessions will give you...
Take your first steps in screenwriting with Gary Hewitt. A monthly writing...
Future Paisley is the radical and wide-ranging programme of economic, social and physical regeneration using the town's unique and internationally significant cultural and heritage story to transform its future.
Refractive Scotland CIC Refractive Hub, 3rd Floor, Witherspoon Building, 10 Storie Street, Paisley Renfrewshire, PA12AR SC: 736519 Registered Office: c/o 49B High Street, Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, PA12 4AB Email: Mobile: 07789 117 740